I’m excited to welcome and introduce you to our newest counselor Lili-Erika Zuno! Erika is licensed as a professional counselor by the state of Texas. As a Christian counselor, she helps young moms, women, and individuals who struggle with anxiety, and depression and has a difficult time knowing where they fit in. Get to know more about Erika by clicking here.
People go to counseling for many reasons…
People ask from time to time what I do for a living and I share with them - “I have the best job in the world!” As a counselor in Midlothian, TX I get to help people through some of the most painful and challenging times of their lives, as well as celebrate their victories and growth with them. In a conversation I had the other day, we were talking about what keeps people from seeking out and asking for the help they need.
Sometimes if we know what to expect, it helps to put our minds at ease and our worries to rest.
Life has been challenging. You know that talking about it would help, but you don’t want to burden your family or friends and don’t know where else to turn. You wonder if talking with a professional might help, but where do you start? How do you know what type of professional to even call?
Here are some tips to help you decide who to call when you are ready to talk
It’s no secret that our lives have been significantly disrupted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Activities and routines that once gave us a sense of control, purpose and pleasure have been impacted one way or another. Perhaps you’re even feeling anxious and/or depressed.
Anxiety, fear and disappointment seem to be a common theme our lives these days. We see it on the news and social media as other parts of the world and our country have been so greatly impacted by a virus named COVID-19. I am here for you! Click here for 10 things to stop saying when you’re anxious.
You’ve narrowed down the list to a few therapists in Midlothian who seem nice but now you probably have a lot of questions - that’s okay and completely normal.
This feels like a big decision and you want to make sure you get it right. You wonder how you will know which therapist is right for you and may even feel a little anxious about asking for professional help - that’s okay too. I’m here to help!