Help for when you're anxious

Anxiety, fear, and disappointment seem to be a common theme in our lives these days. You see it on the news and social media as other parts of the world and our country has been so greatly impacted by a virus named COVID-19.

Even in your community, it’s surreal to walk into a grocery store to find empty shelves on aisles that once had a never-ending supply of dried pinto beans and rice, toilet paper, and bread. What you once had in abundance…now seems uncertain…even when it comes to your health.

It’s okay to feel scared (and afraid)… you’re not alone!

As more and more workplaces are sending people home to work virtually, you have lost your job. Now you are faced with the worry and fear that often comes with trying to figure out how to make a dollar stretch, to pay the next bill, and provide for your family. Or perhaps you are on the front lines caring for the sick and exposed, putting your own life at risk, terrified of going home… with the uncertainty of how your exposure may impact your loved ones.

It’s okay to feel worried (and sad)…you’re not alone!

Parents and students are now faced with the challenges that come with online learning and “social distancing”. All sporting events, senior and end of year activities (even college entrance exams) have come to a halt. These things that you have anticipated and planned for….the ones that bring you joy…gone.

It’s okay to feel disappointed (and angry)…you’re not alone!

I am here for you!

Here’s a good place to start:

10 Things to STOP Telling Yourself When You Feel Anxious

  1. “We all get anxious, so just pull yourself together.”

  2. “If you would just relax more, your anxiety will go away.”

  3. “Have you committed sins that God is punishing you for?”

  4. “You worry too much, and worry never changes anything.”

  5. “If you just tried harder you wouldn’t feel so stressed out.”

  6. “Just ignore your problems and they will go away.”

  7. “Anxiety can’t kill you, so just snap out of it.”

  8. “If you had more faith, you would stop worrying.”

  9. “Take a vacation and all of your problems will go away.”

  10. “If I can cope with my life, you should be able to cope with yours.”

Sometimes WE are our own biggest hurdle.

Over the next few days, let’s take some steps together to learn how to resist the feelings that get BIG and overwhelming instead of giving in to them.

Let’s walk this COVID-19 journey together!

I hope this helps you with the BIG emotions your feeling. If your anxiety gets too big or you feel stuck, feel free to contact me at 972-761-5800 for a free 15-minute phone consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to someone that can help. If you are looking for help with anxiety and depression, you can read more about how I can help here.